
Spring Exhibitions
Open on February 12, 2025 / On view through June 22, 2025
Featuring original work by Seonna Hong, Past Lives uncovers and explores identity-defining memories through dreamlike landscapes, wandering figures, and subtle symbolism. Interweaving her Korean and American heritage, Hong traces how these memories can shape visual narratives to reveal belonging and meaning.
Continuing Exhibition:
Isole: A Voyage Among My Dreams
Isole features paintings, assemblages, sculptures, and drawings by Cianne Fragione. Through visual marks, color, and spatial relationships, Fragione explores the fluidity of motifs and memories of the sea.
Visceral Processes: Jay DeFeo, Frank Lobdell & Manuel Neri
ΩA Omega Alpha: Harmonia Rosales
Hold it Lightly: Lisa Congdon
The Decisive Moment: PhotoUrbanism in San Francisco Bay, 1930s-1960s
Chimeric: Student Capstone Exhibition
Vignettes: Select Views of SMCMoA’s Permanent Collection
heroes & sheroes: Corita Kent
Lisa Congdon: Hold it Lightly: Lisa Congdon
Three Series of Prints: Jacob Lawrence
From the Ground Up: Louis Siegriest, the Society of Six and Beyond
Points of View: Art Practice Capstone
Hija Del Maíz - Medicina Ancestral: Alondra Puentes Gallegos MFA Thesis
River of Words® 2023: The Natural World as Viewed by Young People
Fake It Till You Make It: A Quest for Authenticity
Interdisciplinary Voice
Power & Purpose: Reflections on the African Art Collection
Creating Through Chaos: Saint Mary’s College of California Art Practice Capstone Exhibition
Stock: AndrewMount
Aesthetic Forces: Nature in the Modern California Landscape, 1915–2015
Keith + Kari: William Keith and Kari Marboe
Collective Memories: Stonecuts from Cape Dorset
Feminizing Permanence
Sign of the Times: The Great American Political Poster, 1844-2012
Senior Capstone Projects: An Instagram takeover featuring the Class of 2020 senior capstone projects
Significance Machines and Purposeful Robots: Kal Spelletich
New Formalism in Painting and Photography: R&D (Rosenblum and Doyle):
Things Known: Foad Satterfield
Noctambulant: David Johnso
Emerge: Student Art Exhibition
Open Studio: Interdisciplinary Art Practice In Progress
Paint from Nature: William Keith and the High Sierra
Graphicanos: Contemporary Latino Prints from the Serie Project
Artist as Activist: Stanley Koppel
Watermedia: The Color of Summer presented by the California Watercolor Association
BART: Strangers on the Train by Richard Gayton
Into Being- The River by Diana Hobson & Susan Alexjander
Darker Shades of Red: Soviet Propaganda from the Cold War Era
IRAN|USA + other nonorientable surfaces: Peter Freund
Annual Art Studio Student Exhibition
Cohort 2: MFA in Dance Thesis Festival
The American Soldier: A Photographic Tribute
Social Justice: It Happens to One, It Happens to All
Reflections in Water: Selections by the California Art Club
Watertime: A Video by David and Hi-jin Hodge
Scene/Unseen: A Group Exhibition of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs
The Beginning of the Collection: William Keith
Environmental Impact
Instagael: SMC Student Instagrams
Points of View: David Maxim
William Keith and the Battle for Hetch Hetchy
A Fine Line: The Doctor Maurice Alberti Print Collection of European and American Masters
Luis Gutierrez: Another Kind of Truth
Axis Mundi/Open Portals: New Works by Ron Hutt
William Keith and the Battle for Hetch Hetchy
Bright and Beautiful: Early San Francisco Bay Area Watercolors, the Collection of Roger and Kathy Carter
Stephen Joseph: Inside Vasco Caves
The Darker Side of William Keith: Late Paintings
Visual Language: Mystery and Meaning
Andy Warhol: Prints Polaroids and Pop
SMC Student Art Exhibit
River Passage: New Works by Dane Mattes
Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Tom Golden Collection
Photography by Robert Gumpert: Take a Picture/ Tell a Story, Prison Series
Photography by Robert Gumpert: "I Need Some Deodorant. My Skin is Restless" Psychiatric Emergency Services
William Keith and the Native American
Pueblo to Pueblo: The Legacy of Southwest Indian Pottery
The Native American Collection of Roger Epperson
Grace Hudson: Painter of the Pomo People
By Invitation Only: Revealing the Landscape
The Collector's Eye: Early California Landscapes and Still Lifes
Dale Chihuly: Venetians
It's Natural: Sam Perry and Pamela Blotner
Michael Collopy: Face to Face with Movers and Shakers
From Swords to Plowshares: Trench Art from WWI & Songs of the Patriot
Judy Dater: Edo Redux
Malcolm Lubliner: The Automotive Landscape
The Artist Revealed
Afterglow: Rethinking California Light and Space Art
Surfaces: Lee Saloutos
Points of View: Mary Lou Correia and Paul Kratter
Building a Collection
Marc Chagall: Stories from the Bible
Student Art Show Spring 2013
In Search of the Source: The Nile and Beyond by Lockwood de Forest
Ryan Reynolds: Landscape Assembled
The Art of the Cross
Nyame Brown: John Henry's Adventures In a Post Black World
The Missions of Will Sparks
The Nature of Collecting: The Early 20th Century Fine Art Collection of Roger Epperson
Richard Gayton: Recent Watercolors and One Square Mile
Richard McLean: Master Artist Tribute IX, Horses, Landscapes and Portraits
River of Words
The Veil: Visible and Invisible Spaces
Pam Glover: A Life in Art
Lee and Grant
Gifted Hands: The Fine Art of Craft
Superbly Independent: Early California Paintings
Andy Warhol: Quick Pix and Pop Icons
Ralph Borge : A Symbolic Realist and His Circle
Out of This World: Real & Imagined Landscapes of our Solar System
California in Relief
William Keith: Mountains of Shadow and Light
Sacred Mountain: Images of Mt. Diablo and Mr. Fuji
Bert Monroy: A Digital Artist Paints with Light
The Second Golden Age of Dutch Art: 19th Century Paintings from the Beekhuis Collection
Carl Sammons: California Impressionist Landscapes from the Donna Walsh Sumner Collection
You See: The Early Years of the UC Davis Art Faculty
Pinturas de Fe: The Retablo Tradition in Mexico & New Mexico
Footloose in Arcadia: Artists and Authors of Piedmont, 1890 to 1930
Dreaming In Color: Aboriginal Art from Balgo
Paper Cuts
Town and Country: Jessica Dunne and Louis Labrie
Master Artist Tribute VII Hearst Art Gallery Opens Carlos Villa Retrospective
Manuel Valencia (1856-1935): California's Native Son
Playing Around: Toys Designed by Artists
Touched by Wonder: Ethnographic Objects from the St. Mary's College Permanent Collection
Tools as Art: The Hechinger Collection
Perceptions in Art and Science: Different Faces Same Truth
Pressing Matters: 500 Years of Wine in Art
Living Color: Inside the Outsiders
Early Days in California: William Keith, John Muir, and Joseph LeConte
Now and Then - Senior Thesis Exhibition and SMC Alumni Exhibition
Abstraction: Spirit and Space
Sandow Birk's Paradiso
The Holy Art of Imperial Russia
Keith's Cigar Box and Panel Paintings
Revelations and Reflections of Self-Taught Artists
Water, Land and Sky: Rediscovering A.T. DeRome
Student Art Exhibition
Art Faculty Exhibition
Winslow Homer: The Illustrator
Stephen De Staebler, a Thirty-Year Survey (1973-2003)
The Legacy of Brother Cornelius
The Art of Music
Unbounded Vistas: Artists Interpret the Northern California Landscape
SMC Student Art Exhibition
Out of Time: 20th Century Designs for the Future
Exotica: Plant Portraits from Around the World
The Mountains of California: New William Keith and John Muir Exhibit
Kenro Izu: Light Over Ancient Angkor
Women to Women: Weaving Cultures, Shaping History
William Wolff: Printmaker
The Teacher as Artist
Early Artists of the Bohemian Club
Kuna Mola: Maintaining Tradition Amid Change
Instruments for a New Navigation: Sculpture, Drawings and Paintings by Morris Graves
Diamonds in the Sky: Images from the Hubbell Space Telescope
The Artist and the Bible: Twentieth Century Works on Paper
SMC Student Art Exhibition
A Sense of Place: Pam Glover and the Siegriest Legacy
From Real Life, Richard Shaffer
A Winding River: the Journey of Contemporary Art in Vietnam
SMC Student Exhibition
George Post: A life in Watercolor
William Keith: California Awakening
Stories Woven In: The Navajo Way of Seeing
Talking Walls Dialogue: Ingrid and Plato, Interactive Still Lives, Knit One, Swim Two
SMC Faculty Exhibition
SMC Student Exhibition
Point to Point: California Landscape Paintings
Early California Impressionists: The Ronald E. Walker Collection
The College Collection: Twenty Years of Growth
Terry St. John
Miseries and Misfortunes of War
Annual Student Exhibition
1996 - 1997
Stanley Truman: Fifty Years of Photography
Building Bridges, Crossing Cultures
Ruth Bernhard: Master Artist Tribute IV
Mark Rothko: The Spirit of Myth, Early Paintings from the 1930's and 1940's
1995 - 1996
William Keith: The Collection Comes Home
Puppets of the World
Burning Lights: Spirituality, Tradition and Craft in Recent Art from the City of Angels
Robert Kehlmann: Painting with Glass, A Retrospective
Annual Student Exhibition
Stanley Truman: Fifty Years of Photography
1994 - 1995
Jeannette Maxfield Lewis (1894-1982): A Centennial Celebration
African Alchemy: Art for Healing in African Societies
Manuel Neri: A Sculptor's Drawings, Master Artist Tribute III
Saint Mary's College Art Faculty: Lee Altman, Roy Schmaltz, Suzanne Schumacher.
Icons and Easter Eggs of Imperial Russia
Annual Student Exhibition
1993 - 1994
"Wonderful Colors!" The Paintings of August F. Gay
Modern British Art: Vorticism and the Grosvenor School, 1912-1935
Fascination with Trains
Selections 5: Recent Work from the Polaroid Collection
Gregory Kondos: Yosemite and Other California Landscapes
Student Show
1992 - 1993
Bicoastal Artists of the 1870's
Tutavoh: Learning the Hopi Way
Nathan Oliveira: Figurative Works, 1958-1992
California Metal
Bella Feldman: Sculpture
Student Show
Acalanes Union High School District Show
1991 - 1992
Maurice Logan, Artist and Designer
Charles Strong: New Paintings--China, Ezra, Joan
Kiyochika: Artist of Meiji Japan
Before Columbus: Art of West Mexico
Recent Acquisitions
The Crucifixion Through the Modern Eye
Student Show
1990 - 1991
Personal Mythologies and Poignant Moments
Recent Acquisitions: Works on Paper in the Saint Mary's Collection
Prints of the Eighties: The BankAmerica Corporation Art Collection
Wayne Thiebaud at Seventy
Saint Mary's Art Faculty Show: Karen Breschi, Mark McCloud, Roy Schmaltz, Suzanne Schumacher, Darwin Marable.
The Art of the Mask
Student Show
1989 - 1990
Stanley Truman/Sister Adele: Photography
Wine in Art
Rupert Garcia
Jose Guadalupe Posada
Brother Kyran Memorial Exhibition
Contemporary Landscape: New Perspectives
Artists of Contra Costa County: An Invitational Exhibition
If Pictures Could Talk: A Collection of California Paintings
Student Show
1988 - 1989
William Keith, California's Poet Painter
Douglas Holmes: The Memorials
Contra Costa Contemporary Collections
Post-Photo: Eleven Artists Expanding the Boundaries of Photography
Art of Our Time: Works on Paper from the Olga Hirshhorn Collection
Student Show
1987 - 1988
Vestments East and West: Japanese Kesa and European Chasubles
Collection Highlights
Art from the Computer: Computer Art Competition and "Digital Mudra" Installation by Sonya Rapoport
Six Bay Area Women Sculptors
Student Show
1986 - 1987
Architectural Inspirations: Venice and Rome
St. Mary's College Faculty Art Exhibition
Acalanes High School District Art Show
Armin Hansen: A Centennial Salute
3 Directions in Drawing
Student Show
Bay Currents: Furniture by Laurie Ann Campbell
1985 - 1986
Selections from the Saint Mary's College Collection
The MA Circle: Budapest and Vienna, 1916-1925
Don Quixote in Art
Raymond Saunders
Artists by Artists
Student Show
Pieces of Paper
1984 - 1985
Saints and Sinners in Master Drawings
Art by Alumni
The Color Woodcut in America
Sculptural Paintings
Hidden Splendors: Chinese Textiles of the Qing Dynasty
The World of Play: Children's Drawings from Moraga and Abroad
Student Show
1983 - 1984
Basic Black: Contemporary International Prints
Dia de los Muertos: Javier Sandoval
A Growing Circle of Friends: Art Work from Members' Collections
Two Faces of India: Rajput Miniatures and Tribal Paintings
The Subject Is Objects: Contemporary Bay Area Still-Life Paintings
Student Show
William Keith: A Changing Vision
1982 - 1983
Posters of the l890s and l980s
Alex Maldonado and John Swanson
Japanese Folk Arts and Crafts
Know What You See: The Examination and Treatment of Paintings
Brother Giles Brom
Poseidon's Realm: Ancient Greek Art from the Lowie Museum
Student Show
Contra Costa Competitive: Works on Paper
Eastbay Watercolor Society Annual
1981 - 1982
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Engravings by William Hogarth
California Landscape Paintings from the Collection
At Mono Lake: A Photographic Exhibition
Student Show
1980 - 1981
Saint Mary's College Art Faculty
Gary Smith: Sculpture
Painted Silk by Mia Kodani and Burnished Clay by Miriam Licht
Four Americans in France, 1914-1940 (John Taylor Arms, Samuel Chamberlain, Ernest D. Roth, John W. Winkler)
1979 - 1980
Fire and Earth: Ancient and Traditional Ceramic Forms
The Modern Print: Recent Work from the Kala Institute
Landscapes by Linda K. Smith and Portraits by Carole Peel
The Arts and Crafts of Belgium
Paintings by William Keith
1978 - 1979
The Art of the Etruscans
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Contemporary Pots
Conservation and the Collection
The Watercolors of William Keith, 1838-1911
The Art of the Printed Book
1977 - 1978
A Half-Century of Collecting: Selections from the Saint Mary's College Collection
Art from the Collection of Professor Henry and Gertrude Schaefer-Simmern
Middle Eastern Nomadic Rugs of the Nineteenth Century
Imogen Cunningham: After Ninety